View Profile hogabeast
Adam Holland @hogabeast

Age 36, Male

Joined on 10/2/08

Exp Points:
4,970 / 5,380
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Vote Power:
6.35 votes
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hogabeast's News

Posted by hogabeast - August 30th, 2010

Yeah, you like reading my post, dont ya bitch?

Posted by hogabeast - July 5th, 2010

I hope you like Star Fox.
I hope you like Star Wars.

Not that it matters. Phobotech and I are brainstorming new, and even more fucked up ideas for his next animations. So tuck your balls in, and get ready!

Posted by hogabeast - September 9th, 2009

I would just like to thank everyone who took the time to write us reviews for "Rorschach's End". It's most appreciated, even though none of your comments will ever be taken into consideration. I'll be working with Phobotech on several flashes in the future. Expect more twisted, and fucked up shit to come.

Rorschach's End

Posted by hogabeast - August 3rd, 2009

After being sucked into the newgrounds community by my bud, Phobotech, I've got a few opinions about it...

1. Every other flash has something to do with mario, sonic, video games, hentai, or stick fights. I'm sorry to say it, but that shit gets old. Fast. Is this because 73.2% of newgrounds users don't know what the touch of a woman feels like? (By the way, 56.77452984% of statistics are made up on the spot.)

2. Something needs to be done about the spammers. Moderators, do what you must. (Starve a pig long enough and they'll eat any, and i do mean ANY evidence you may, or may not need to get rid of.)

3. Why can't we blow the wistle on flashes that made it though review? Not everyone who watches flashes under review is going to care enough to blow the wistle to try and help clean up newgrounds.

4. Being a Communist, this probably pisses me off more than most others. There seems to be a lot of people on newgrounds that consider themselves to be communists. I think this is bull shit because it seems most of these people don't even understand what communism is. Probably just a bunch of 13 year olds trying to look cool.

5. Why do people submit incomplete flashes? If you submit something to the portal and you state that it's not complete, why submit it in the first place? I usually blam these.

6. People need to be a little harsher on voting. There's a lot of stuff that gets through that nobody will ever care to watch, ever. Let's say someone submits a flash that's a loop of a giant cock being waved in a circle; and as we all know, everyone on newgrounds enjoys a nice big cock. This gigantic cock that's only capable of doing 360s is most likely going to pass judgement. No matter the quality of that nice big cock, it's got a pretty good chance of passing judgement; becasue as we all know, we here on newgrounds love the cock. Has anyone ever given some thought as to why this cock is doing what it's doing? I would blam such a submission, not because i dislike cock, but because i want to know more about it. Where did this glorious cock come from, with all of it's veiny goodness? Why is it windmilling in my face? Put a story behind it or something. Make flashes more interesting. If those questions were answered by the flash, it'd be more likely to get a better score from me. Did i mention how much newgrounds users love cock? Anyways, people need to be harsher voters in order to filter out more of the crap that gets submitted.

Posted by hogabeast - October 13th, 2008

I open my eyes. A light turns on above. I'm in a room with no doors or windows. The walls are patched in black and blue, and there is a shattered mirror in one of the corners.


I'm attacking the walls screaming.


I'm standing calmly in the middle of the room. I turn my head and wonder what it was I was trying to escape.


The broken glass in the corner has something to do with getting out.


Rage fuels my soul, but it is red that drips from my body.


A smiling face.


Many smiling faces.


Bodies leaching to one another.


Her smiling face.


I'm laying on my back in the black and blue room again, staring into the light above. I feel stinging as my red sweat drips from my pores.


She's there again.


I'm back in the room on my back again. Out of the corner of my right eye, a tear spills down my skin towards my ear.


Who am I? Am I crazy, or just too sane?


I'm standing up.


An old white door stands before me with the paint chipping off of it.


The door closes behind me.


I'm at my grandmother's house, sitting on the couch. My grandmother sits in the chair just across from me. To my left, is a T.V. playing some chick flick. "What's on the tube?" I ask. She starts to reply, "Well, it's about this..." My attention is quickly stolen away by an advertisement for an old television series.


All I see is black, and all I hear is my heart pounding.


The most beautiful face is in front of mine. I'm in the bedroom of the house I used to live in. I hear the television series playing from the T.V. at the end of the bed. As soon as her lips start to move, I hear only silence. I see her make out three words then smile at me.


I'm back in the black and blue room. I'm screaming and slamming into the walls.


I'm at the grocery store. The cashier smiles and hands me my change. As she leans forward, I give a quick glance to her nametag then look towards the grocery store exit. Something comes over me, and I look back at her nametag.


I'm in a car and my facial hair is gone. My dad is driving, and I can see the cotton fields passing in the window behind him. "What is her name?" he asks me. I'm trying not to grin too much as I begin to say something back.


Sitting in the center of the blue and black room with my legs crossed. My arms are crossed too, and my facial hair is back. My chin is glued to my chest, and I tighten my grip and feel my nails dig into my arms. I can't move. I'm shivering. I exhale smoke.


I'm back in my old bedroom again. I'm excited and I'm opening up a bag that has newly developed pictures in it.


One of the photos is framed and propped up on the desk in my room.


My face is covered in tears as I open up the desk drawer. Inside are two pairs of eyes that have something magical in them. I look away, close the drawer, and then put my hands above my head, trying not to cry anymore.


Black and blue room. I'm looking in the mirror hanging up on one of the walls. I see myself staring back.


The reflection shows her standing next to me, her right arm around my waist, her left hand cuffing my arm, and her head is lying against my shoulder.


I'm alone again.


She's there again, looking right into my eyes. I grab the sides of the mirror.


She's gone.


She's back.


She's gone.


She's still gone.


Still, she is gone. I breathe a sigh of relief.


She's back in the reflection with me. Her warm smile is ripping my insides apart.


She's still there.


She won't leave this time.


I can't take it anymore. I'm screaming again, my hands are on my head.


I'm curled up in one of the corners, my arms around my knees. In the opposite corner, lays a shattered mirror.
